Saturday, March 4, 2017

Why We Creatively Resist

Why We Creatively Resist the Destruction of Our Common Home

Each time we have second thoughts about something, defuse an anger, or peacefully resist ego consciousness, dominance of the lower will, or manipulations by greed motivated personalities, we are moving toward a more excellent, more refined state of being, both collectively and individually. We are moving toward an end point on the horizon of human endeavor that constantly recedes as we approach it but that refines us, the seekers, in the process rather than in an arrival. To symbolize this phenomenon, we must create a new symbol, one merging the omega symbol, representing our creative resistance to oppression and our service to Humanity, with the symbols for female and male.
A New Symbol for our Creative Enterprise
The feminine and masculine symbols attached to the Omega symbol denote not only the collective effort of both men and women to the tasks of this movement as peers but equally these symbols denote the ultimate intention or harmonization of Nature’s feminine and masculine Forces on all the levels: biological, mental, psychosocial, spiritual. At this point in the evolution of the human community, this harmonization will accompany and promote a diminishment of the present intensity of masculine force in the world, an intensity that is life denying.
Feminization of the World
This feminization of the world will be assisted by non-material influences, that is, spiritual forces within and without the living form, forces which will be re-directing as they have been for some time at a lesser intensity the energies in the nervous system. The redirection will be away from a primary flow now obviously counterproductive in the left hemisphere of the brain towards a primary flow in the right hemisphere of the brain. Thus the (left) hemisphere that controls the right hand, the side of human nature which is involved with the verbal, intellectual, mathematical, technical — the present culture’s “masculine” activities — will be significantly de-energized as more energy is devoted to the right hemisphere, the side that controls the left hand, the non-verbal potentials, dreams, tactile apprehension, the gestalt of life, etc. — the culturally defined “feminine” activities of life.
Mother Nature is shifting her weight to the Left Foot
This re-alignment of energy flow is both a spontaneous correction occurring in the stream of nature, and an intervention, or better said, an accentuation, by spiritual influences outside the stream of material earth evolution, and should be understood from the point of view that the present world structures are behavior modifying the human nervous system toward an unnatural masculine dominance and a posture to living that is both self-limiting and contrary to the grain of evolution. The present reward system of these world structures is deeply rooted in a patriarchal tradition which at one time in the distant past was itself a correction of an imbalance in the opposite direction. The patriarchal tradition has out-lived its usefulness however, and now places females and feminine characteristics in inferior and punishing roles, and actively represses natural feminine characteristics in males.
Changes in the Body are Changes in Consciousness
This unfortunate entropy of the right hemisphere of human nature will decrease as the feminization of the Human Body increases. Its intensity will be felt from the biological level to the levels of social groupings and national relations, and it will ultimately bring about a world movement toward harmonization of both hemispheres or both influences. Since the resultant changes in the body are at the same time changes in consciousness, as the body is the vehicle of consciousness, these alterations and refinements will work synergistically to move the whole person or group to further understand the particular laws and principles which govern the synergistic relations of their own growth.
Synergy is Nature’s preferred mode of Operation
Where a group of people come together to live these laws and apply them for a greater and more loving understanding is where the individual’s striving for actualization are re-enforced by the community’s and the community’s by the environment’s in an unbroken loop. The Native American tradition calls this the “Medicine Wheel” : no better term for this preferred state of nature exists. Today, we might call such a group of people a synergistic community whatever its religious or political orientation might be. It is in the womb of such communities that the new world of every age is born.
© 1975- 2018 Clay Moldenhauer ( Also published elsewhere under the titles “Proposal for the State Street Child Daycare Center (1975)”, Looking Back at an Old Vision Whose Time is Always Coming (2010)”, and “Why We Resist (2017)”, with the same content.

© 1975- 2018 Clay Moldenhauer

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